Hello viewers,
Today we are gonna build a Ultrasonic Range Finder. This is basically an essential part of our Interstellar Rovers. Let's Start of by learning to connect the components.
Step-1: Click on Tinkercad in your web browser.
Step-2: Create an account or sign in if you have an existing Autodesk account.
Step-3: Click on Circuits in your Dashboard.
Step-4: You'll need to Drag and drop an Arduino UNO R3 as well as an Distance sensor from the components Menu on the right.
Step-5: Click on Arduino GND port and drag the wire to the Sensor GND port. Similarly. click on 5V Arduino port and drag the wire to the sensor port.
Step-6: Connect the digital pin to the SIG pin on the sensor.
It's Time to Code!
Step-1: Click on Tinkercad in your web browser.
Step-2: Create an account or sign in if you have an existing Autodesk account.
Step-3: Click on Circuits in your Dashboard.
Step-4: You'll need to Drag and drop an Arduino UNO R3 as well as an Distance sensor from the components Menu on the right.
Step-5: Click on Arduino GND port and drag the wire to the Sensor GND port. Similarly. click on 5V Arduino port and drag the wire to the sensor port.
Step-6: Connect the digital pin to the SIG pin on the sensor.
It's Time to Code!
Ping))) Sensor
This sketch reads a
PING))) ultrasonic
rangefinder and
returns the distance to the
closest object in
range. To do this, it sends a
pulse to the sensor
to initiate a reading, then
listens for a pulse
to return. The length of
the returning pulse
is proportional to the
distance of the
object from the sensor.
The circuit:
* +V connection of
the PING))) attached to +5V
* GND connection
attached to ground
* SIG connection
attached to digital pin 7
This example code is
in the public domain.
int inches = 0;
int cm = 0;
long readUltrasonicDistance(int triggerPin, int echoPin)
OUTPUT); // Clear the trigger
digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);
// Sets the trigger
pin to HIGH state for 10 microseconds
digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
// Reads the echo
pin, and returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
void setup()
void loop()
// measure the ping
time in cm
cm = 0.01723 *
readUltrasonicDistance(7, 7);
// convert to inches
by dividing by 2.54
inches = (cm /
Serial.print("in, ");
delay(100); // Wait
for 100 millisecond(s)
I hope the content is helpful!
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